From Barbara Andelman, Executive Director of National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys

The House Rules Committee just minutes ago agreed to allow the bankruptcy modification amendment to be considered on the House floor as an amendment to the broader financial services reform bill AS EARLY AS THIS AFTERNOON!!

The amendment is being fiercely opposed by the business and financial services communities and we need to get people calling in IMMEDIATELY. Contact friends and family, require your staff to phone in. Put it on your Facebook pages!!

Super easy:

  1. Phone toll free at: 877.354.4958
  2. Put in your zip code

When you reach the receptionist:

  1. State your name
  2. Say that you are a constituent
  3. Ask the Representative to vote FOR the Conyers-Turner-Lofgren amendment (#201) to the Financial Services Reform bill.

This amendment will cost taxpayers NOTHING and will save millions of homes from foreclosure