Movers, Deputies Refuse to Evict Woman

WSB-TV in Atlanta is reporting that a 103 year-old mother and her 83 year old daughter narrowly avoided foreclosure eviction when sheriffs deputies and movers from Deutsche Bank came to her home today.

Today good sense and human decency allowed a family to keep their home. This was a combination of community activism, prayer, and street justice all coming together to stop the final step in a foreclosure– eviction.

From the original article:

UPDATE: We just found out the bank will not evict Ms. Hall after all. Channel 2’s Ryan Young will have an update coming up on Channel 2 Action News at 5 p.m.

A 103-year-old woman and her 83-year-old daughter were just moments from being evicted from their home Tuesday, when sheriff’s deputies and the moving company hired by the bank decided not to go through with the action.

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